
LIKE my page.

November 30, 2010


I'm Sorry;;
Sometimes, I get jealous thinking that someone else could
make you happier, than I could.
I guess its my insecurities acting up, again.
Because I know I'm not the prettiest, smartest, or most fun and exciting.
But I do know, that no matter how hard you look;
You'll never find someone that loves you
like I do.


Here's to the bitches-
Y O U   A L L   M A D E   M E   S T R O N G

Here's to the friends
W H O ' S   A D V I C E   W A S   N E V E R   W R O N G

&Here's to the boy.f

I'vE loved all along


Someday when I say "I'm Okay" , I just want you to look me in the eyes , hug me and say ' I know you're not , baby. '

He's always
