
LIKE my page.

July 3, 2010

Annoyed by someone.

Hey Girl , stop using my name to gain your popularity please. Imma get fed up someday ! Yes , I'm very happy for your every visits to mua bloggy but that's enough okay . Stop copying what I write and yes , PLEASE DO STOP USING 'ME' TO GAIN YOUR POPULARITY . I was like *dang ! after see-ing your FB profile.

Added all my friends and act like you're very close to me. Whatever friends that leave a comment to my profile you'll surely add 'em to your FB . Writing something like what I did . I mean like how the way I write on my status and blog she'll follow it . She even follow how the way I talk . Yes , of course I know her by real life . So if you think its YOU ! Then stop it ~

Damn it ! I won't post her link here because this will just gain her popularity more . You know who am I pointing with , So stop it before I do something bad . I think you don't like it that way right , so STOP IT .