I'm bored with my life.
If wanna list down all my bored life.
Perhaps i could use around 10 pages or more.
What a boring day.
Everyday is repeating the same damn thing.
Nothing much special.
aww~ I don't know what to do to make my DAY a little bit special.
Ohh wait a minute.
I have a story to share . *laugh
I forget when this happened.
Well this is about one annoying girl and me when i were freaking busy ;D
I said i'm busy and i'll reply her later when i'm done. (:
I din't mean to be rude or anything else.
And then she start spamming and nudging.
mIko mikO ~ rEplY la... so sOhaI dEr YoU.
wHat u dOinG lA ? hOw r U ?
* [ she've been repeating this sentences so many times and i think i've reply her twice.]
If i'm not mistaken. This is what she said to me.
I'm not rude ? i'm just so busy. and i did say i'll reply her later when i'm done .
Well if i don't reply her is not my business also.
I don't pay to reply her. RIGHT ?
And she start nudging and spamming.
She made me so PISSED OFF !
And i reply her 1 sentences.
D-o y-o-u u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d e-n-g-l-i-s-h ?
And also i try to explain to her what i've said just now.
Wow and she start her "bad words"
And i remember she said i'm stupid.
sEE yOuRsElvE 1St ?
dOnT yOu fEeL anNoyInG iF SoMeOnE wRiTe iN tHiS wAy ?
sHe cAnT evEn wRiTe iN a pRopEr wAy.
And she said that i'm stupid ?
If i get this " stupid " for not replying u
Then u're what ? U're just so freaking annoying !
Which no one can stand u. .__.
Well she's so dumb but thanks to her too.
She's my jokes on that day and NOOB will be the topic (;
Gee ~ What a funny noob ;D