But i promised all my fren i'm going already so i cant break my promise.
I thought nothing after come back only see doctor.
I went roller then about 1.30 something i went out and go sing k
I were like no energy already.
Pain here pain there.
Inside neway i were like so damn cold !
but i wore this thick.
[ I took this pic in taxi =/ ]
I thought i can wait till sing finish then only go
But on 4 something i really feel so down.
Then i request to go home 1st wif iko .
I walked to monorail and decided to go back.
Then my fren called me to go back neway cause they not enough money
Neway said RM 24+ each person then when pay
RM 35 .__. wth !
I walk till so no energy ady ~
Inside KTM i already like wanna die ady ~
After reach home i need to go cousin buftday party.
My head wanna fall ler.
Then went see doctor.
My cousin 'iko' ask whether i get swine flu
Cause i hav bodyache , sore throat , fever .
Then the doc say i don't look like pig .__.
Funny doc ~ Say cold jokes with no reaction.
By the way ~
THANKS all my beloved frens that celebrate with me
i love u all alots.
THX kinkit for the chocolate xD
SICK go away
Suffer eating pills .__.
Everytime so many
eat twice a day